Kim from Virginia makes me cry of happiness!
Today I recived a package from Virginia... What can I say...
My dear HotSockSwap-partner must be broken now!
Thank you thank you thank you so much Kim!
I love everything! I am overflowing with gratitude! OJOJOJ! WOW!
You americans...*lol*
You make me so happy! Now I have to sit down and just enjoy.
Can´t stop smiling, the heart is jumping.
There will be more closeup-pictures sooner when my camera´s batteries is loaded again. :0)
Until then, LOOOOK:
Part 1...
4 magazines, 3 sockpatterns, opalyarn AND 2 skeins of Socks that Rock!!! In my favouritecolours!
Part 2...
A wonderful little knttingbook, That sweet little keychain sockblocker with a Kim-made sock. :0)
She has also design the stitchmarkers and a friend of her made the sheep tuppers on the knittingneedles, and...more needles!
Part 3...
Look... Smell... Tea and chocolate... Both for drinking and eating... Gosh...
Part 4...
Cottonyarn for dishcloths and more patterns!
My dear HotSockSwap-partner must be broken now!
Thank you thank you thank you so much Kim!
I love everything! I am overflowing with gratitude! OJOJOJ! WOW!
You americans...*lol*
You make me so happy! Now I have to sit down and just enjoy.
Can´t stop smiling, the heart is jumping.
There will be more closeup-pictures sooner when my camera´s batteries is loaded again. :0)
Until then, LOOOOK:

4 magazines, 3 sockpatterns, opalyarn AND 2 skeins of Socks that Rock!!! In my favouritecolours!

A wonderful little knttingbook, That sweet little keychain sockblocker with a Kim-made sock. :0)
She has also design the stitchmarkers and a friend of her made the sheep tuppers on the knittingneedles, and...more needles!

Look... Smell... Tea and chocolate... Both for drinking and eating... Gosh...

Cottonyarn for dishcloths and more patterns!

The HotSock´s on the needles! Deb send me an advanced pattern...hehe...
But shame on her who gives up! :0D
The patterns name is: Circle Of Friendship Socks...
"Traveling stitch cabels define inter-connected circles, and remind us of the friendships that abound our knitting".
Says a lot of our friendly sockgroup.
The yarn Deb send to me is avanti 100% merino from Zitron, Wickede Germany, in color 15-different shades of blue and I can´t stop myself singing a Swedish song "Blå blå himmel och vatten" =blue blue sky and water. :0) It´s a lovely color! Makes me happy! Just love it!
And how about the vest? Well... I´m working on that too...
But shame on her who gives up! :0D
The patterns name is: Circle Of Friendship Socks...
"Traveling stitch cabels define inter-connected circles, and remind us of the friendships that abound our knitting".
Says a lot of our friendly sockgroup.
The yarn Deb send to me is avanti 100% merino from Zitron, Wickede Germany, in color 15-different shades of blue and I can´t stop myself singing a Swedish song "Blå blå himmel och vatten" =blue blue sky and water. :0) It´s a lovely color! Makes me happy! Just love it!

And how about the vest? Well... I´m working on that too...

Look... Is it November or what?
Virkade blommuddar

Mina absoluta favoriter; virkade handledsvärmare. Mönstret finns nu i butiken. Garnet jag använder är Rellanas 6-trådiga sockgarn.
Tid För Eftertanke

Idag har oärliga människor lyckats stjäla både pengar och garn från mig och min garnbutik.
Today (monday) I was robbed in my yarnshop. I´ve been angry/sad/tired, but now (saturday) I just wanna forget everything.
Igår (fredag) gick det att läsa om denna liga som härjar i Stockhoms city i Metro samt på polisens sida, så jag är inte ensam... Hur som helst vill jag bara lägga på ett lock nu. Hänt är hänt och det kunde ha gått mycket värre. I´m back.
Tack alla underbara människor som skickat hejjarop and thanks for all your prayers out there. :0)

Look what I found in my mailbox today, from Deb, US! :0)
Sockyarns, pattern, cooffe and a lot of surprises and when I say a lot
I mean A LOT of them!!!
The pencase will be perfect for crochetneedles!
The notebooks for my patternnotes!
A magazine AND a knitbook! Wow! Now she have been shopping!
And look at the markers! They are so cute!!! Debs design! And a rowcounter!
Thank you so much Deb! It was way to much but I am sooo grateful.

Deb´s design

Nu har det hänt igen...
Mellan alla sockor och utbytespaket till mina utrikiska vänner, mönsterskrivande och allt annat; Jag har påbörjat ett stickprojekt och fasar för bakstycket och monteringen och ändå är det bara ett linne, men det är så snyggt och vore så praktiskt till vinterns fester med en liten kofta.
Förresten blev jag beordrad höstlov med barnen denna vecka och nog trodde jag att jag skulle hinna ta itu med stickandet då, men nej nej...
Mönster & garn kommer från HP. Stickor 3. (Soft 8/4 100% bomull, finns i butiken, men bör bete sig lika fint med ett tunt sockgarn).