Maple Leafers KAL-Here I come again!
The yellow-=frogged...
So... I just HAVE to make the Maple Leafes before the KAL is over... Smile... And I still have 1 week left!
July 29:
Manicuresocks! So my six-year old dother wanted it to be manicuresocks! OK... I don´t mind at all... :0D
Here they are, ready for late summerevenings.
Postat av: Tina
They are beautiful! Mine aren't done, either, as there is another KALsock to be finished, and btw I thought we had August, too, to get the MLs finshed?
Postat av: Klara
Hihi! Official I think we should be done before august, but I ´wouldn´t think It´s not all that important... :0)
Postat av: Elena
Vilken fin idé - manikyrsockor! Det ska jag lägga på minnet. Sockorna ser jättegosiga ut!