Me and my new babies
Me and my new babies... Don´t they look just like me, the skeins and I? ;0)
Meghanns, package arrived today! She´s been my swappartner and look what I´ve got:
Thank you sooooooo much Meghann!
Look at the "black" skein from Socks That Rock, it isn´t just black; you can find blue, green and grey in "Corbie". How cool!
And the pink punky one...WOW! "Dream In Color Cool Fire" It is Meghanns own dyed! AND a compliment -Knitter´s Balm Sample... Orange Cream with Shea Butter...Cool! Smart! Perfect for my dry hands!
Then we have White Bluberrytea. Smells wonderful! Have to try this tonight! Let´s see..then we have...Eggcandy...hihi
A flowerybag to keep my sockthings in, a notebook, a sweet measure (gâteau), a smaller bag with lovely stitchmarkers. Do I have to tell you all that I am sooo happy!!!!
Read more about our swaps here:
Swap-paketen korsar atlanten nu! :0)

PurlCity har lagt upp en swap (paketutbyte) Sock knitter of the World Unite and Swap
och välkomnar fler medlemmar från stora vida vlärden att deltaga:
Anmälan senaste 9 februari. Skynda!!!
Paketen skickas senast 23 februari.
Vad paketen ska innehålla;
2 st 100 grams sockgarn (ej akryl)
2 st stickrelaterade produkter
1 st ask/påse med fikadryck; kaffe, choklad eller te beroende på vad mottagaren önskar,
Något gott att äta (choklad, kaka, godis eller annat som mottagaren önskar).
1 överraskning! Behöver ej vara stickrelaterat. Snoka på mottagarens presentation efter intressen på swap-bot. :0)
Swap hemsida:
Swap-bot: Bli medlem här:
Description: | |
As a keen sock knitter, I love to discover new yarns, both hand dyed and from all over the world. If you feel the same, this is the swap for you! Each participant will have one partner to whom they must send the following: Two 100g skeins of sock yarn - it can be your own hand-dyed yarn or a sock yarn produced in your country. Natural fibres and blends only please - no 100% accrylic. Two knitting notion items - stitch markers, needles, tape measures, project bags.....anything that you would consider essential kit for a sock knitter. One hot drink item - by this I mean a packet of loose tea leaves, a tin of hot chocolate, a packet of coffee beans or a box of tea bags - depending on what your partner likes to drink (make sure this is listed in your profile) An edible treat - this could be biscuits, chocolate, candy - again check your partners profile before choosing the item. Finally, a surprise - check out your partners profile and surprise them with a little something based on their preferences. This does not have to be knitting related. |
Classic one fifty Cardigan
Visst är den söt?! Pam Allens Classic one fifty Cardigan.
Och den ligger i min stickväska! Nåja... några nystan och en påbörjad version i svart iallafall! :0D
Gratis mönster om du klickar här!
Ravelryfantaster klickar här!


Januari-snödroppar! Och hon är tvungen att tassa ut i strumplästen och killa de små raringarna under hakan (snödropparna alltså) hihi...